Triangle Birder's Guide

The best birding spots in the Chapel Hill-Durham-Raleigh area of North Carolina.

Here's a general map of the area, showing dozens of good birding locations in Chapel Hill, Durham, Jordan Lake, and Raleigh area.
Click on the map for more information about a location or see our separate maps for Orange County, Durham County/Falls Lake, Chatham County/Jordan Lake, and Wake County/Raleigh lakes. And if you're new to the area, please take a look at the Newcomer's Guide to Triangle Birding by Ginger Travis as well as this article about birding Jordan Lake by Caroline Gilmore. The name "Triangle" refers to the shape formed when you connect the area's three major research universities, UNC, Duke, and NC State (orange line on map).

What would you like to see?




Southern Specialties

Need a bird checklist?

The Triangle Area Bird Checklist is a weekly frequency list for all species reported in
Chatham, Durham, and Orange counties, NC, plus areas of Falls Lake in Granville and Wake Counties, from 1975-1/2008.
You need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this.

Want to know when you'll see the most species?

Take a look at this cool graph, developed from the checklist.

Bird Count Circles

Here's a map showing the Christmas Bird Count count circles for Chapel Hill, Durham, Falls Lake, Jordan Lake, and Wake County.
More information: Triangle area bird count schedule and contacts.


North Carolina birding sites wiki on the Carolina Bird Club site

Birding North Carolina: map of additional sites

Carolina Nature | Carolinabirds Info | Chapel Hill Bird Club

Created 9/8/1998, last update 03/17/2025