Triangle Birder's GuideThe best birding spots in the Chapel Hill-Durham-Raleigh area of North Carolina.Here's a general map of the area, showing dozens of good birding locations in Chapel Hill, Durham, Jordan Lake, and Raleigh area.
The Triangle Area Bird Checklist is a
weekly frequency list for all species reported in
Chatham, Durham, and Orange counties, NC, plus areas of Falls Lake in Granville and Wake Counties, from 1975-1/2008.
You need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this.
Take a look at this cool graph, developed from the checklist.
Here's a map showing the Christmas Bird Count count circles for Chapel Hill, Durham, Falls Lake, Jordan Lake, and Wake County.
More information: Triangle area bird count schedule and contacts.
North Carolina birding sites wiki on the Carolina Bird Club site
Birding North Carolina: map of additional sites
Carolina Nature | Carolinabirds Info | Chapel Hill Bird Club
Created 9/8/1998, last update 03/17/2025